Event One Awards

[imported from discord]
I am happy to announce the award winners for CivRush event one!  The top person (or people where there is a tie)  in each individual category is entitled to a custom role and access to the ⁠awardees channel.  If that's you, reach out to me to get your role.

First, the players with the greatest numbers of kills and deaths during the event.

Most Kills (Troll_Bebek - 15)
Honorable Mentions:
Okx    : 11
Sdorr: 9
DockerImage: 8
Mariocraft_10: 4

Most Deaths (0_Satas_bat_0 - 75)
Honorable Mentions:
Mariocraft_10: 48
OttomanReich4068: 33
JPM_Stalin: 32
The614Man: 26

Player's Choice Awards

These are the winners of our players choice awards as selected by the community.

Individual Awards

Most intimidating player (Okx - 4)
Honorable Mentions:
Troll_Bebek: 3
Shadno: 2
SpeedyJustice: 2

Kindest or most helpful player (Greltam - 3)
Honorable Mentions:
Rain_BD: 2
JPM_Stalin: 2

Ironman (Okx - 4)
No other players received more than 1 vote.

Best Builder (Rain_BD - 2)
No other players received more than 1 vote.

Grind Award (Okx - 3)
No other players received more than 1 vote.

Special Awards
No player received more than 1 nomination.

Group Awards

Most Powerful Nation or Group (tie Trino: 4  Mutual Trust Alliance: 4)
No other group received more than 1 vote.

Best Lore (Trino - 5)
Honorable Mentions:
Mutual Trust Alliance: 3
Mihira: 2